School Uniform
Please click HERE to order your uniform directly from Lollipops.
Please visit our Downloadable Forms page to download a uniform order form. Payment can be made from a ParentPay account.
At Sunnyside Academy we recommend that all children wear school uniform. There are sound educational reasons for this:
- It creates a positive attitude to work and school life
- It gives the children a sense of belonging
- The children are easily identified on school trips and helps ensure the safety of the children
The school uniform of Sunnyside Academy is:
- Lemon Polo shirt with school logo
- Grey, black or navy skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
- Navy blue sweatshirt/ jumper/ or cardigan preferably with school logo
- Black, brown or navy shoes/ black trainers – suitable footwear for the work places NO HEELS OR VIBRANT COLOURS
- In summer the girls can wear a blue/ yellow gingham dress. The boys can wear navy, black or grey trousers or shorts.
All uniform items with the school logo are available from school through the office. A list of all available items is available in school.
P.E kit: We would strongly recommend that all children wear the school P.E. kit
- Lemon t shirt with school logo
- Shorts with school logo
The following would also be acceptable:
- Key Stage 1- pupils do P.E. in bare feet/ P.E. shoes, t shirt and shorts
- Key Stage 2 – require shorts t shirt and P.E shoes-plimsolls for indoors and trainers for outdoor.
- Football shirts/strips should not be worn for P.E.